Money how to get some

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I know I have not been aroundmuch, but I have been busy with other parts of my life. Here is a bit I wrote while thinking about the secret behind "The Secret". I hope it helps.

I am seeking that thought pattern and feeling a person needs to activate the law of attraction. Well,

The law is always in effect, what I meant was "what is that feeling/thought pattern doctor's, lawyers,

musicians and movie stars use when they manifest such great wealth". I am convinced that whatever

those groups of people have in common also holds the secret to "The Secret". All those gurus in

the film also had something in common. It had to do with faith. They all trust the law of attraction

once they "Tune In" to it. They also have a "personality" or an outward "Vibe" that others take notice of. Gratitude must be in there as well. From what I can see, gratitude is the

thing that helps move the flow of abundance. This mental and emotional state makes it easier for

abundance to flow. How would I feel if I knew I had 1 million dollars coming to me on my birthday(the

last day of the year) and money will be there for me? What would be my feelings and thoughts? My

actions?. Now lets move that up. How would you feel if you had that 1 million in the bank right now?

Now what would be my feelings , thoughts and actions? How would I dress? How would I eat?

Now take away the how. This is where things get interesting. The visions and feelings you are

having in the "what if" stage, can be yours if you want them, but you have to let go of how you are

going to get the things you want. Let the universe figure out the how. That is not as easy as it looks.

Try it.

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