Money how to get some

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hi Folks.
Yes, Things have been slow on this blog for the summer. I have been very busy. My house is nearly complete( I had reno's done). Garden had to be put in and harvest season is almost upon us.

Right now there have been record temps set around the world. Most people would see that as a problem(and I do to a certain extent), but you can turn it around to see where your money making opportunities lay. Solutions to problems = $$$ (if you know how to market them). A good thing to invest in is a pop cart or icecream cart. If you made your own icecream you could make a lot of money. But lets make this simple. Buy icecream from the suppermarket and travel around on a 3 wheeled bike with a cooler that can hold several different types. Buy a metal scoop a dish of water and a few thousand icecream cups, spoons and napkins. Make a sign with the flavours and the cost of the scoops. Wear a pouch for change. If you need a licence, get one and you are in business a few months of the year.

That is just one solution out of several you could choose to work with. Making money means thinking outside of the box.

Michael J. Kaer

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