Money how to get some

Thursday, July 05, 2007

7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

Do You Know The Secret?
I started on my prosperity journey decades ago when I read different books as a teen. I (unknowingly) used the secret at age 15 to stop working and retire at the age of 30. It happened but not the way I wanted. I was forced on a disability pension and was "retired" at the age of 30.
15 Years later I have come full circle and I am now manifesting large sums of money. I always knew I would be a Millionaire some day. I am not there yet, but I know I will be. I am so clear on that fact that I am looking at properties that I will be buying when I sell this house and move to a place with more land to do what I want.
I am excited by what The Secret is doing for the world. It has re-awakened all kinds of classes and courses and books I have read over the years, reinforcing the knowledge I already have. The Secret is not a big a secret as somepeople may think. It has been out and about in one form or another for all my life. What The Secret has done is it has pushed this thought into the mainstream and it will never be suppressed ever again.
I want you to do a few things for me and for you. I want you to click on the banner to learn more about what the teachers are putting together. After that I want you to make a list of 10 things you LOVE to do. You can look at your list and see if what you are doing now to create an income is not something you love to do, then I would suggest changing it to be more fun or challenging or just start up a business with something you love to do as the main focus. Life is too short to do a job you hate just to pay the bills. That is an existance, not a life.
Life is meant to be fun, joyful, full of love and tenderness. Life is also supposed to be about growth and challenges. Sure Life does not always go our way, but how you deal with the challenges is what makes you great or not. Money is easy, wealth is harder to come by.
If you want to know I am talking about, send me an email and we will discuss it. I can be reached at . Make sure you you put "Money-how to get some" in the subject so I know what the email is about.
Enough work- Time for fun!
Michael J. Kaer,
Author of "A-Bun-Dance","Truth:A Guide to Goalsetting" and "1001 Affirmations"

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