Money how to get some

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi Folks.

Just a quickie today. Tired of clicking or traffic, here is an auto surf that is different. There are many ways to make money, it is free to join and there are prizes of money or credits every 2 minutes. Take a look.

Have a great day.

Michael J. Kaer, Author of "What Money Can't Buy" Part 1 & 2

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi folks.

I am going to be going through a few ways I get traffic to my sites. Today's lesson is on Squeeze pages.

What's a Squeeze page?

It is like a a teaser ad that gets the potential customer/client/contact to do something to get more
information. A good page peaks a person's interest enough for them to either click on a link to the sales page or write in their name and email address for you to follow up with. Here is one of my pages for a service called The List Auction. . You will notice that it is a long and ugly link with my personal referral id out in the open for all to see. If I wanted it to look nicer and not have that information hanging out, I would put the link through a cloak like TinyURL . There is also a way to mask the link by redirecting it from a nicer looking site. I can mask it by setting up a sub domain on one of my websites. That can be a whole subject for another day. To make sure it was a live link you would enclose it with an anchor in HTML on a website like this The List Auction and on the page all you would see is The List Auction in a different colour as a clickable link.

Getting back to the page, click on it and you will see that the action the page wants from you is to enter our email address. The other type of Squeeze page would look like this; . Click on this one and you will see that the action is to go directly to the sales page.

That is the end of the lesson on Squeeze pages. If you find it helpful or have other questions, you can get in touch with me directly at . If you find the list auction site to be of use to you, please feel free to sign up under me(ugly links and all).

Michael J. Kaer, Author of "What Money Can't Buy" part 1 & 2

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I have found a site by accident (I love when that happens by the way!) That shows you how much your site is worth if you are going to sell it. I will put up the link here and explain which site it is talking about.

My site is worth $18023.7.
How much is yours worth?

The website's name that generates the code is called
The site I got the information for is my Home Income Portal. You can see the site at .

Knowing what your site is worth can help you in times of doubt, when you are not sure you are on the right track. it can also hep ease any tension between you and your mate if she or he is nagging you about being online all the time. You can honestly say that you are actively setting up your future for yourself and your family and here is the proof.

If you like anything in the blog, feel free to send a comment. I enjoy the feedback. Any questions, I am will to answer them too.

Michael J. Kaer , Author of "What Money Can't Buy" Part 1 & 2

Monday, February 09, 2009

Money, Happiness and Freedom

If you went up to a hundred people and asked them what their goals where (if they had goals), most of the goals would fall into one or all of these categories. The second book I wrote was on Goalsetting(the first one was on Affirmations- yes I know, how "New Agey" of me!)(that was back in the 80's so go figure). The book is out of print but I am working on an updated version. In the past 2+ decades I have learned more about goalsetting.

Some of you may think you have goals but in reality they are just resolutions. We all now what happens to 99% of the resolutions made on New Year's Eve (my birthday by the way).Most of them fall by the wayside. I got to wondering why that is. Here is a little secret. A goal is not a goal, until it is written down. I could also give you a tighter definition. A goal has a start date and an end date to them. In the new book coming out,you will see why this is critical. A goal without a time frame is only a a wish, a dream or an affirmation. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with wishes, dreams and affirmations, they are where you start at before you get down to designing your goals and they are a necessary step. I will go into more detail later.

Michael J. Kaer, Author of "What Money Can't Buy" part 1 & 2

Friday, February 06, 2009

Hi folks. This poor blog has not seen me for over a year. My focus has changed so much that making money is a good thing, but making sure you have food on the table is a far more urgent task. Since last year all hell has broken loose n the last year of the bush administration. They pushed through a huge bail out package that they can't pay back and Obama is left to pick up the pieces. He is going to toss another big bale of money down that black hole and it is making the american dollar worthless. The only good news(?) is the rest of the world is in the same dump so the dollar still has value in relation to other currencies. In the middle of all this I still squeek by month by month. I have stopped watching TV and I only turn it on for movies with my Daughter. The one website I joined to Read Tarot on closed down, but a sister site that Doug himself owned is still up and running. I made around $75.00 doing readings while I was catching up with my emails and started writing a book. It is a part 2 to my book "What Money Can't Buy" available at my website as well as a "How-To" book I wrote to show people how to make candles using regular household tools and and such. The good thing about that $75.00 is I count that as a sack of rice, a bunch of regular supplies and some goodies for my girl. I can buy enough basic food with that $75.00 to last me a month or more. It can buy a huge amount of second hand stuff if I took it to the Thrift store. That would almost cover the cost of a 1000 watt inverter on sale. All that in a few hours online while I was doing other stuff. I look like a mess because I have the stomach flu and I have not shaved for a couple of days. When you are online in a chat room and they can't see what you look like, it does not matter that you are wearing your hoody indoors and wearing slippers to work while earning $2.99 a minute for the site. I do not get the whole amount but I do get over half.

Is that not the greatest thing about the internet- you can be as sick as a dog, look 10 times worse, wear slippers to work and still be making a meaningful amout of money. That is Freedom.

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